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Syrphidae是什么意思 Syrphidae的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-23 04:55:46
  • 203

Syrphidae是什么意思 Syrphidae的读音、翻译、用法


1. Ichneumonidae, Braconidae和Syrphidae属于双翅目昆虫中重要的寄生种类。

(Ichneumonidae, Braconidae and Syrphidae are important parasitic species in the Diptera order of insects.)

2. Syrphidae的幼虫会吃掉大量的蚜虫和其他害虫,对植物生长和农作物保护非常有益。

(The larvae of Syrphidae consume large numbers of aphids and other pests, them very beneficial for plant growth and crop protection.)

3. 虎头蜂科(Syrphidae)的种类繁多,能在全球范围内生存并繁衍。

(Syrphidae has many species and can survive and reproduce globally.)

4. Syrphidae的成虫通常会偏好花蜜,以此来摄取其所需的营养。

(Adult Syrphidae typically prefer nectar as a source of nutrition.)

5. Syrphidae是昆虫学中一个重要的研究对象,其生态功能备受关注。

(Syrphidae is an important research subject in entomology, and its ecological function has received much attention.)

6. 其中一些Syrphidae的物种在人类的医学和农业方面也具有一定的应用价值。

(Some species of Syrphidae also have certain applications in human medicine and agriculture.)

7. Syrphidae的幼虫和成虫在昆虫学和生态学领域中的作用被广泛研究和探讨。

(The role of Syrphidae larvae and adults is widely studied and discussed in entomology and ecology.)

8. Syrphidae通常会与植物建立密切的关系,对植物的传粉和受粉有重要的贡献。

(Syrphidae typically form close relationships with plants and make important contributions to pollination.)

9. Syrphidae是继蜜蜂之后最为重要的传粉昆虫之一,其对保护环境和促进生态平衡具有重要的作用。

(Syrphidae is one of the most important pollinators after bees, and it plays an important role in protecting the environment and promoting ecological balance.)


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