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Palm islands是什么意思 Palm islands的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-06 14:24:30
  • 866

Palm islands是什么意思 Palm islands的读音、翻译、用法

'Palm islands'是英语,翻译为“棕榈岛”,是迪拜城市的一项大型建设工程,是人工兴建的三个岛屿,呈棕榈树的形状,其中Palm Jumeirah是世界上最大的人工岛,Palm Jebel Ali和Palm Deira在建设中。

用法:Palm islands是一个专有名词,用来描述这三个由迪拜建筑公司创建的人工岛屿。

以下是9个含有'Palm islands'的例句:

1. The Palm islands in Dubai are artificial islands constructed in the shape of palm trees.


2. Palm Jumeirah is the largest man-made island in the world and is one of the main attractions of the Palm islands project.

(Palm Jumeirah是世界上最大的人工岛屿,是Palm islands项目的主要景点之一。)

3. The construction of Palm Deira, the third island of the Palm islands project, has been halted for years due to financial issues.

(Palm islands项目的第三座岛屿Palm Deira因财务问题已经停工多年。)

4. The Palm islands are known for their luxury resorts, high-end residences and world-class amenities.


5. The Palm Jumeirah has a monorail system providing transportation around the island and connecting it to the mainland of Dubai.

(Palm Jumeirah有一条单轨铁路系统,提供环岛交通并将其连接到阿联酋迪拜的本土。)

6. Many celebrities and wealthy individuals own properties on the Palm islands due to its exclusivity and luxury lifestyle.


7. The Palm Jebel Ali, the second island of the Palm islands project, was supposed to be completed in 2008 but the project has been put on hold indefinitely.

(Palm islands项目的第二座岛屿Palm Jebel Ali原计划在2008年完成,但该项目已被无限期搁置。)

8. The Palm islands are a testament to the engineering and construction capabilities of Dubai, showcasing its ability to create grand and ambitious projects.


9. The Palm islands have become an icon of Dubai's extraant and luxurious lifestyle, drawing in tourists from around the world.



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