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uti possidetis是什么意思 uti possidetis的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-04 05:35:22
  • 36

uti possidetis是什么意思 uti possidetis的读音、翻译、用法

'uti possidetis'是拉丁语。翻译为“你拥有什么,你就可以保有什么”,是一种国际法原则,指在殖民统治结束后,边界划分应以当时各国内部边界为依据。


1. Uti possidetis是南美洲国家之间边界争端的一个重要问题。(用英语翻译:Uti possidetis is an important issue in border disputes among South American countries.)

2. Uti possidetis原则是非常重要的国际法原则之一。(用英语翻译:The principle of uti possidetis is one of the most important principles of international law.)

3. 所有国家都应该遵守uti possidetis原则。(中文:All countries should abide by the principle of uti possidetis.)

4. 南苏丹的独立是根据uti possidetis原则宣布的。(中文:South Sudan's independence was declared based on the principle of uti possidetis.)

5. 这场战争结束后,边界将根据uti possidetis原则重新划定。(中文:After the war ends, the borders will be redrawn based on the principle of uti possidetis.)

6. 在拉丁美洲,uti possidetis原则对于殖民统治结束后的边界划分非常重要。(中文:In Latin America, the principle of uti possidetis is very important for border delimitation after colonial rule.)

7. 非洲国家之间的边界问题常常涉及到uti possidetis原则的应用。(中文:The border issues between African countries often involve the application of the principle of uti possidetis.)

8. Uti possidetis原则在国际法中已被广泛承认。(中文:The principle of uti possidetis has been widely recognized in international law.)

9. Uti possidetis原则已成为解决领土争端的主要方法之一。(中文:The principle of uti possidetis has become one of the main methods for resolving territorial disputes.)


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