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Pinus albicaulis是什么意思 Pinus albicaulis的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-29 01:49:51
  • 53

Pinus albicaulis是什么意思 Pinus albicaulis的读音、翻译、用法

'Pinus albicaulis'是拉丁语,属于植物学名词,翻译成中文是“白皮松”。白皮松是一种生长在北美高山地区的树种,主要分布在加拿大和美国。它高度可达25米,树皮呈灰色,树干直径约在40厘米左右。

以下是9个含有“Pinus albicaulis”的例句:

1. The timber industry relies heavily on the harvest of Pinus albicaulis for its wood products. (木材行业大量采伐白皮松用于制作木材产品。)

2. The seeds of Pinus albicaulis are an important food source for wildlife in the mountain regions. (白皮松的是山区野生动物的重要食源。)

3. The cones of Pinus albicaulis are oval in shape and can grow up to 15cm long. (白皮松的毬果呈椭圆形,长度可达15厘米。)

4. The needles of Pinus albicaulis are typically 4-6cm long and have a bluish-green color. (白皮松的针叶通常长度为4-6厘米,颜色呈蓝绿色。)

5. Pinus albicaulis is known for its ability to survive harsh winter conditions and high altitudes. (白皮松以其在恶劣的冬季条件和高海拔环境下存活的能力而闻名。)

6. The bark of Pinus albicaulis contains high levels of resin, which can be extracted for use in various applications. (白皮松的树皮含有高浓度的树脂,可用于各种应用。)

7. Pinus albicaulis is an important source of timber for building and construction projects in mountainous areas. (白皮松是山区建筑和建设项目的重要木材来源。)

8. The dense forests of Pinus albicaulis provide valuable habitat for many species of wildlife. (白皮松密集的森林为许多野生动物提供了宝贵的栖息地。)

9. The decline in the population of Pinus albicaulis is a concern for ecologists and conservationists. (白皮松种群的减少令生态学家和保护主义者担忧。)


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