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crips是什么意思 crips的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-21 03:10:31
  • 83

crips是什么意思 crips的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:interesting decoration for gang slaying unless the Crips have taken up flower arranging.

翻译:有意思 帮派凶手随身落下花瓣 除非这人正在学插花。



例句:You know, it's his first time out on the Left Coast and, you know, he's heard about the gangs and the Crips and the Bloods, and....

翻译:你知道,这是他第一次到西海岸 你知道 他听说过团伙 瘸子帮和血腥事件,还有...。



例句:This whole neighborhood belongs to the Eastside Crips.

翻译:这一片 是东区黑帮的地盘。





1. This whole neighborhood belongs to the Eastside Crips.

翻译:这一片 是东区黑帮的地盘。

2. - it's E.C., Eastside Crips.

翻译:- EClipse 东区黑帮的缩写。

3. This isn't street . This isn't the Crips and Bloods and .


4. The pit bull is out of the cage. The crips are raiding the store.

翻译:斗牛出了围栏 醉鬼在偷袭酒店。



6. My old street gang. The Artesia Crips.

翻译:我过去混的街头帮派 阿蒂西亚海盗会。

7. it may not be Crips and Bloods, okay?

翻译:虽然不是什么血雨腥风的帮派对头 It may not be Crips and Bloods, okay。

8. You caught me at a bad time. i'm about to kill some Crips.

翻译:现在不方便 我正要去杀几个东区黑帮的。

9. The fight between the Bloods and the Crips is postponed until next Friday.

翻译:中的Bloods之间的斗争 和瘸子 被推迟 直到下周五。

10. it's so that the Bloods and the Crips will know which side to vote for. (Laughter) The polarization is strongest among our political elites.

翻译:因为这样的话“血滴帮”和“跛子帮”(非裔美国人组成的帮派)就知道投谁的票了。(大家笑) 这种两极分化的现象在精英中最为强烈。

11. By who--"sesame street" crips?

翻译:谁干的 \"芝麻街\"里的瘸子。

12. That's New Orleans's answer to the Bloods and Crips.

翻译:他们就是新奥尔良版本的"血帮和瘸子帮" 【注: 洛杉矶两个最有名的暴力帮派 活跃至今】。

13. Have to eat the crips or she'll know we've been out.


14. You can stay here together and have fun. i bought crips and soft drinks.

翻译:你们可以留下,一起同欢 我买了些零嘴和饮料。

15. it's like put out in the two oceans and it's pulling the whole country apart, pulling left and right into their own territories like the Bloods and the Crips.

翻译:就像是用它去搅动大洋两岸,把整个国家 分割成左右两个阵地, 就像是 “血滴帮”和 “跛脚帮”一样。


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