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rugose是什么意思 rugose的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-14 13:47:59
  • 322

rugose是什么意思 rugose的读音、翻译、用法

词义:rugose 表示“皱纹的,褶皱的,起皱的”。



- rugose corals:皱纹珊瑚。

- rugose leaves:皱纹叶子。

- rugose wood:皱纹木。

- rugose suce:起皱表面。




1. The rugose texture of the fossil indicates that it is millions of years old. (这个化石的皱纹质地表明它有数百万年的历史。)

2. The rugose bark of the tree made it difficult to climb. (这棵树的皱纹树皮使得攀爬很困难。)

3. The rugose appearance of the rock was caused by thousands of years of erosion. (这块岩石的起皱外观是由于数千年的侵蚀造成的。)

4. The rugose skin of the lizard helps it blend into its environment. (这只蜥蜴的皱纹皮肤有助于它融入环境。)

5. The rugose suce of the paper gave it a unique texture. (这张纸的皱纹表面赋予了它独特的质地。)

6. The rugose fabric had a vintage look. (这种皱纹面料具有复古的外观。)

7. The rugose wrinkles on the old man's face told a story of a lifetime of experience. (这位老人脸上的皱纹讲述着他漫长经验的故事。)


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