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lakshmi是什么意思 lakshmi的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-15 02:36:56
  • 867

lakshmi是什么意思 lakshmi的读音、翻译、用法







1)Lakshmi is a Hindu goddess of wealth and fortune. (Lakshmi是印度教中财富和幸运的女神。)

2)Many Indian parents name their daughters Lakshmi. (许多印度父母给女儿取名叫Lakshmi。)

3)Lakshmi is often depicted holding a lotus flower. (Lakshmi经常被描绘为手持莲花。)

4)In Hindu tradition, Lakshmi is worshipped during the festival of Diwali. (在印度教传统中,Lakshmi在排灯节期间被崇拜。)

5)The company named their new skincare line Lakshmi, to evoke the idea of beauty and prosperity. (这家公司将其新的护肤系列命名为Lakshmi,以激发美丽和繁荣的想法。)

4. 拓展用法

Lakshmi这个单词也可以作为缩写词来使用,表示"Limited Access Killing Highly Mobile and Infiltrative"。该缩写词在军事和情报领域中使用,指的是一种战略或战术手段。

5. 例句

1)The new military operation was dubbed "Lakshmi" due to its limited access, high mobility, and infiltrative tactics. (由于其有限的进入途径、高度的移动性和入侵性的策略,新的军事行动被命名为“Lakshmi”。)

2)The Lakshmi operation was successful in infiltrating enemy territory and gathering valuable information. (Lakshmi行动成功地渗透到敌方领土并收集了有价值的情报。)

3)The top-level military officials were impressed by the effectiveness of the Lakshmi strategy. (高层军事官员对Lakshmi战略的有效性印象深刻。)

4)The Lakshmi tactic required a high degree of coordination and skill from the soldiers involved. (Lakshmi战术要求参与其中的士兵拥有高度的协调和技巧。)

5)The Lakshmi approach proved to be a game-changer in the ongoing conflict. (Lakshmi方法被证明是正在进行的冲突中的一个改变游戏规则的策略。)


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