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namath是什么意思 namath的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-01 09:23:03
  • 251

namath是什么意思 namath的读音、翻译、用法

词义:Namath是一个人名,指美国退役足球运动员约瑟夫··纳马斯(Joseph William Namath)。






1. Namath is widely regarded as one of the greatest quarterbacks in the history of American football.(人们普遍认为纳马斯是美国橄榄球历史上最伟大的四分卫之一。)

2. Namath is famous for winning Super Bowl III and for his flamboyant personality both on and off the field.(纳马斯以赢得第三届超级碗和他在场内外的张扬个性而闻名。)

3. Namath played for the New York Jets and the Los Angeles Rams during his NFL career.(纳马斯在他的NFL生涯中为纽约喷气机队和洛杉矶公羊队效力。)

4. Many football fans still cherish Namath's iconic moment when he predicted and then led the Jets to a stunning Super Bowl upset in 1969.(许多足球迷们仍然珍视纳马斯在1969年并带领喷气机队在超级碗上惊险获胜的标志性时刻。)

5. Namath's legacy in sports is not only his impressive accomplishments on the field, but also his influence on the evolution of the game and the culture surrounding it.(纳马斯在体育界的遗产不仅包括他在场上取得的卓越成就,还包括他对比赛演变和围绕它的文化影响的影响。)


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