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wagga是什么意思 wagga的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-29 03:09:13
  • 324

wagga是什么意思 wagga的读音、翻译、用法

1. 意义方面:'wagga'可以指代澳大利亚新南威尔士州的一个城市,也可以是一个英语的缩写词,例如WAGGA,代表“英语作为第二语言”的课程或者是“病普及宣传”的组织名称。


- I'm going to visit my friend in Wagga this weekend.

- The school offers a WAGGA course for international students.

- The WAGGA organization is hosting a charity event next week.

2. 发音方面:'wagga'的发音类似于"wa-guh",强调第一个音节。这个单词也可以是一个俚语,在美国常常用于描述小狗在摇晃尾巴表示高兴的场景。


- The dog is so happy, he's wagging his tail like crazy.

- My dog always wags his tail when he sees me coming home.

- The little girl giggled as the puppy wagged its tail excitedly.

3. 历史方面:'wagga'是一个澳大利亚土著语言中的词汇,意为“狗”。这个单词在澳大利亚的历史和文化中有着重要的地位,作为一种民族文化的象征。


- The indigenous art gallery has a beautiful painting of a wagga.

- The local museum has a display about the history of wagga in this region.

- The traditional dance performance included a depiction of a wagga.


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