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gpus是什么意思 gpus的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-29 09:13:56
  • 977

gpus是什么意思 gpus的读音、翻译、用法

1. 意义与定义:'gpus'是'graphics processing units'的缩写,指的是一种专门用于处理图形计算的硬件设备。GPU相较于CPU,更加适合处理大规模并行计算任务,通常应用于游戏、科学计算、数据中心等领域。


- The latest version of this computer comes with a high-end GPU.

- Our team is currently working on optimizing the performance of our AI algorithm by utilizing multiple GPUs.

- The company just announced a new line of GPUs that promises to deliver unparalleled graphics performance.

- I'm planning to upgrade my old desktop computer with a new GPU to be able to run the latest games.

2. 历史与发展:GPU最早是在20世纪90年代末期由英伟达公司推出的,用于提升电脑游戏的图形效果。随后,GPU的应用范围不断扩大,逐渐涉及到机器学习、深度学习、数据分析等领域。


- The history of GPU development can be traced back to the days of 3D gaming in the late 1990s.

- With the growing demand for AI and machine learning applications, the market for high-performance GPUs is expanding rapidly.

- The development of GPUs has revolutionized the field of computer graphics and visualization.

- Many of the largest data centers in the world now rely on cers of GPUs to power their operations.

3. 技术与应用:GPU的核心技术包括并行计算、渲染、图像处理等。除了在游戏和电影视觉效果制作中常常使用到GPU,它还可以加速机器学习等任务的训练和推理。


- The latest version of this software supports GPU acceleration for faster rendering times.

- Our machine learning algorithm is designed to run on GPU hardware, which allows us to process large amounts of data much faster than on traditional CPUs.

- The use of GPUs in scientific computing has led to breakthroughs in fields such as astrophysics, climate modeling, and drug discovery.

- Cryptocurrency mining requires GPUs to perform complex calculations in order to verify transactions and create new coins.

4. 市场与竞争:GPU市场主要由英伟达和AMD两个厂商占据,两者在高端和中低端市场都有各自的优势和挑战。首先来说,近年来中国的GPU厂商也在快速崛起,正在成为一个新的竞争者。


- The competition between NVIDIA and AMD in the GPU market is fierce, with each company constantly pushing the limits of performance and efficiency.

- In recent years, Chinese companies such as Huawei and Bitmain have been significant inroads into the GPU market, challenging the dominance of established players.

- The demand for GPUs in the gaming and esports industries is driving growth in the overall market.

- Some ysts predict that the future of computing will rely heavily on GPUs, with CPUs becoming increasingly marginalized.


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