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notations是什么意思 notations的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-05 15:07:25
  • 976

notations是什么意思 notations的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义:Notations是指用于表示或记录音乐、数学、计算机编程等领域中的特定符号、字母、数字等的方法或系统。

2. 音乐领域中的notations:音乐notation是指用符号或记号来表示乐曲旋律、节奏、音高、速度等元素的方法。例如,五线谱、简谱、吉他谱等都是音乐notations的一种。


- I can play the song by reading the notation on the sheet music.

- Learning how to read and understand musical notation is an important skill for any musician.

- The composer created a new notation system to represent the unique sounds in his music.

- Studying different types of notation can help musicians gain a more thorough understanding of different styles of music.

3. 数学领域中的notations:在数学中,notations可以指代一些特定的符号、记号、变量等,用于表达不同的数学概念和算式。例如,加号、减号、乘号、除号、等号、括号、字母等都是数学notation的一种。


- In algebra, we use different notations to represent variables and equations.

- The mathematician developed a new notation to simplify complex mathematical formulas.

- Understanding different notations is an important part of learning calculus.

- Some mathematicians prefer to use more symbolic notations to represent mathematical concepts.

4. 计算机编程领域中的notations:计算机编程中的notations是指一些特定的标识符、符号、语法等,用于编写计算机程序的语言。例如,C语言、Java语言、Python语言等都是计算机编程中常用的notations。


- Learning the notation of a programming language is the first step to becoming a computer programmer.

- The developer used a new notation to write a more efficient algorithm for his software.

- Different programming languages have different notations and syntaxes to perform the same operation.

- Using clear and consistent notation is important to write a readable and maintainable code.

5. 符号系统中的notations:在一些特殊的符号系统中,notations指代用于表达特定含义的符号、字母、数字等。例如,化学符号、象形文字、密码等都是notations的一种。


- The chemical notation for water is H2O.

- The ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs are a complex system of pictorial notations that were used for writing.

- The spy used a secret notation to encrypt his message.

- Different symbol notations can be used to represent the same idea in different cultures.


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