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delirious是什么意思 delirious的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-24 00:39:46
  • 22

delirious是什么意思 delirious的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词形和词义


2. 词语来源


3. 用法


4. 同义词和反义词

同义词:maddened, crazed, insane

反义词:sane, coherent, rational


1. The patient was delirious and unable to recognize anyone around him.(病人出现了精神错乱的状况,无法辨认周围的人。)

2. She was delirious with joy when she received the news that she had been accepted into the university.(她收到录取通知后喜出望外,狂喜不已。)

3. After the concert, the fans were delirious with excitement and didn't want to leave.(演唱会结束后,粉丝们兴奋异常,不愿离开。)

4. The delirious man kept repeating the same phrases over and over, no sense.(精神错乱的男子一遍又一遍地重复着相同的话语,毫无意义。)

5. The athlete was delirious with exhaustion after finishing the marathon.(运动员在完成马拉松比赛后精疲力竭,精神错乱。)


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