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cl是什么意思 cl的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-02 13:41:18
  • 181

cl是什么意思 cl的读音、翻译、用法


1. The driver ignored the traffic rules and caused a car crash. 驾驶员无视交通规则导致了一场车祸。

2. In order to organize the program, we need to make a checklist of all the tasks. 为了组织好这个项目,我们需要制定一个所有任务的清单。

3. The shop will be closed on Sundays. 这家店星期天闭店。

4. The lawyer advised the client to settle the case out of court. 律师建议客户在法庭外解决案件。

5. The classification of the books in this library is very clear. 这个图书馆的书的分类很清晰。

6. The program is written in C++. 这个程序是用C++语言编写的。

7. The company has invested a lot of money in the development of cloud computing. 这家公司在云计算的开发方面投资了大量的资金。

8. The closure of the factory resulted in the loss of many jobs. 这家工厂的关闭导致了很多工作岗位的丧失。

9. The clinic provides medical treatment for a variety of illnesses. 这家诊所为各种疾病提供医疗治疗服务。


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