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Chindesaurus是什么意思 Chindesaurus的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-14 03:16:37
  • 146

Chindesaurus是什么意思 Chindesaurus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Chindesaurus yangquanensis是一种早期的肉食性恐龙,生活在侏罗纪时期。(英文:Chindesaurus yangquanensis is an early carnivorous dinosaur that lived during the Jurassic period. )

2. 这个博物馆中展示了许多中国恐龙,包括Chindesaurus。(英文:The museum displays many Chinese dinosaurs, including Chindesaurus.)

3. 我们在中国的化石发现了许多不同种类的恐龙,其中包括Chindesaurus。(英文:We have discovered many different types of dinosaurs in Chinese fossils, including Chindesaurus.)

4. Chindesaurus的名称源于它在中国被发现的事实。(英文:The name Chindesaurus derives from the fact that it was discovered in China.)

5. 这个恐龙在侏罗纪时期是在中国和美国地区的沙漠中生活的。(英文:This dinosaur lived in the deserts of both China and the United States during the Jurassic period.)

6. 在中国,人们对恐龙非常感兴趣,他们也非常引以为傲,因为Chindesaurus是中国发现的。(英文:In China, people are very interested in dinosaurs, and they are also very proud because Chindesaurus was discovered in China.)

7. Chindesaurus的化石可以在中国的许多博物馆中看到。(英文:Fossils of Chindesaurus can be seen in many museums in China.)

8. 这种恐龙虽然在中国被发现,但它也曾在美国的沙漠中生活。(英文:Although this dinosaur was discovered in China, it also lived in the deserts of the United States.)

9. Chindesaurus是一个小型恐龙,它的长度不到1米。(英文:Chindesaurus is a small dinosaur, measuring less than 1 meter in length.)


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