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Sarcocystis tenella是什么意思 Sarcocystis tenella的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-09 09:23:03
  • 489

Sarcocystis tenella是什么意思 Sarcocystis tenella的读音、翻译、用法

'Sarcocystis tenella'是拉丁语,中文翻译为“细小肉片子孢子虫”。这是一种寄生虫,常见于动物的肌肉或内脏组织中,容易感染人类和其他动物。这个词通常用于医学和生物学领域的学术研究。

以下是9个含有'Sarcocystis tenella'的例句:

1. Sarcocystis tenella是一种常见的动物寄生虫。

"Sarcocystis tenella" is a common parasitic organism in animals.

2. 研究表明Sarcocystis tenella会对人和动物的健康造成潜在危害。

Studies have shown that Sarcocystis tenella can pose potential health risks to humans and animals.

3. 这个实验室正在研究Sarcocystis tenella的遗传变异性。

This laboratory is conducting research on the genetic variability of Sarcocystis tenella.

4. Sarcocystis tenella可以在人体内产生严重的炎症反应。

Sarcocystis tenella can cause severe inflammatory responses in the human body.

5. 确认Sarcocystis tenella的感染需要进行组织检测。

Tissue testing is necessary to confirm an infection with Sarcocystis tenella.

6. Sarcocystis tenella的生命周期可以在动物和人类的肠道中进行。

The lifecycle of Sarcocystis tenella can take place in the intestines of both animals and humans.

7. 病毒学家正在研究Sarcocystis tenella的传播方式。

Virologists are studying the transmission of Sarcocystis tenella.

8. 免疫学家正在寻找治疗Sarcocystis tenella感染的方法。

Immunologists are searching for ways to treat infections with Sarcocystis tenella.

9. 检测肉制品中的Sarcocystis tenella需要进行精密的实验操作。

Precision laboratory techniques are required to detect Sarcocystis tenella in meat products.


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