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Cypselurus是什么意思 Cypselurus的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-29 15:13:16
  • 87

Cypselurus是什么意思 Cypselurus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Cypselurus poecilopterus是一种非常美丽的鱼类,通常被用作香饽饽。

翻译:Cypselurus poecilopterus is a very beautiful fish that is often used as a delicacy.

2. Cypselurus comatus是一种十分罕见的鱼类,只在特定的海域中被发现。

翻译:Cypselurus comatus is a very rare fish that is only found in certain sea areas.

3. Cypselurus hexazona是一种常见的飞鱼,它能够用它的背鳍在水面上滑行。

翻译:Cypselurus hexazona is a common flying fish that can glide on the water suce with its dorsal fin.

4. Cypselurus furcatus在一些地区也被称为“箭鱼”,因为它们的身体形状像箭头一样。

翻译:Cypselurus furcatus is also known as "arrow fish" in some regions because of their arrow-like body shape.

5. Cypselurus agoo是一种非常小的飞鱼,通常只有几厘米长。

翻译:Cypselurus agoo is a very small flying fish, usually only a few centimeters long.

6. 在'Cypselurus'这个属名中,包括了多种形态和特点都不一样的鱼类。

翻译:The genus name 'Cypselurus' includes various fish species with different forms and characteristics.

7. 飞鱼能够在水下游泳,同时也能够在水面上飞行,'Cypselurus'这个属名中也包括了这种优美的鱼类。

翻译:Flying fish can swim underwater and also fly on the water suce. The genus name 'Cypselurus' includes these beautiful fish.

8. Cypselurus spilopterus的分布范围较广,可以在很多大洋中找到它们的踪迹。

翻译:Cypselurus spilopterus has a wide distribution range and can be found in many oceans.

9. Cypselurus ornatus的身体上有很多漂亮的斑点,是一种很受人们喜爱的飞鱼。

翻译:Cypselurus ornatus has many beautiful spots on its body and is a popular flying fish.


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