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Physeter是什么意思 Physeter的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-07 05:56:50
  • 650

Physeter是什么意思 Physeter的读音、翻译、用法



1. Physeter macrocephalus 是世界上最大的齿鲸之一,体长可达18米。(Physeter macrocephalus is one of the largest toothed whales in the world, growing up to 18 meters in length.)

2. 电影《白鲸记》中的那只大白鲸不是真的鲸鱼,而是一只机械模型,但抹香鲸 Physeter macrocephalus 确实是真的。(The white whale in the film "Moby-Dick" is not a real whale, but a mechanical model, while the sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus is real.)

3. 抹香鲸是世界上最深潜的哺乳动物之一,它可以在海底下潜水超过2,000米。(The sperm whale is one of the deepest diving mammals in the world, and can dive more than 2,000 meters underwater.)

4. 抹香鲸的脑容量是所有动物中最大的,它有一个重达7公斤的大脑。(The brain of the sperm whale is the largest of any animal, with a mass of up to 7 kilograms.)

5. 著名小说《白鲸记》中描述了一只追杀船员的抹香鲸,这个故事受到了广泛的赞誉。(The famous novel "Moby-Dick" tells the story of a sperm whale that hunts down a crew of sailors, and has received widespread acclaim.)

6. 抹香鲸的头部特别大,在它的头部里有大量的脂肪和油,这种物质被用来制造香料、香水和灯油。(The sperm whale has a particularly large head, which contains a lot of fat and oil that is used to make perfumes, candles, and lamp oil.)

7. 抹香鲸的牙齿非常特殊,它们可以达到3米长,用来捕食大型鱼类和鱿鱼。(The teeth of the sperm whale are very special, reaching up to 3 meters in length and used to catch large fish and squid.)

8. 抹香鲸的表皮非常厚,可以达到30厘米,提供保护和浮力。(The skin of the sperm whale is incredibly thick, reaching up to 30 centimeters, providing protection and buoyancy.)

9. 抹香鲸是一个神秘的生物,它生活在大洋深处,很难被人类观察到和研究。(The sperm whale is a mysterious creature that lives in the depths of the ocean and is difficult for humans to observe and study.)


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