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dote是什么意思 dote的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-30 00:51:52
  • 98

dote是什么意思 dote的读音、翻译、用法



1. She dotes on her grandchildren, and spoils them rotten.(她非常溺爱她的孙子孙女,并惯坏了他们。)

2. He dotes on his vintage car collection and spends all his free time tinkering with them.(他十分爱好他的古董汽车收藏,将所有的空闲时间都用在维修上。)

3. My mother dotes on my little sister, and always gives her whatever she wants.(我母亲非常宠爱我妹妹,总是满足她的一切愿望。)

4. She absolutely dotes on her boyfriend, and can't bear to be apart from him.(她对她男友非常迷恋,不愿与他分开。)

5. The old man dotes on his pet cat, and spoils it with treats and toys.(老人非常喜欢他的宠物猫,并给它提供了大量的零食和玩具。)

6. The young girl dotes on her favorite pop idol, and dreams of meeting him someday.(这位年轻女孩非常喜欢她最喜欢的流行偶像,并梦想有一天能见到他。)

7. He dotes on his antique furniture collection, and spends a fortune restoring and preserving them.(他非常热爱他的古董家具收藏,花费了大量的财力和时间来修复和保护它们。)

8. The mother dotes on her disabled son, and spends all her time caring for him.(这位母亲非常照顾她的残疾儿子,并将所有的时间都花在了照顾他上。)

9. The woman dotes on her garden, and spends every spare moment tending to her beloved plants.(这位女士非常喜欢她的花园,将所有的闲暇时间都用在了照顾她心爱的植物上。)


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