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triclosan是什么意思 triclosan的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-10 09:55:44
  • 820

triclosan是什么意思 triclosan的读音、翻译、用法



1. Triclosan has been banned in soap and body wash products in the United States since 2016. (自2016年以来,美国已禁止在肥皂和沐浴露中使用三氯生。)

2. The effectiveness of triclosan in preventing tooth decay is still being studied. (三氯生防止龋齿的有效性仍在研究中。)

3. Some scientists are concerned about the potential health risks of triclosan exposure. (一些科学家担心三氯生暴露可能带来的潜在健康风险。)

4. Toothpaste containing triclosan may help reduce gum inflammation. (含有三氯生的牙膏可能有助于减少牙龈炎症。)

5. Triclosan is frequently used in hospital settings to help prevent the spread of infection. (三氯生在医院环境中经常被用于防止感染传播。)

6. Research has shown that triclosan can accumulate in the environment and affect aquatic life. (研究表明,三氯生可以在环境中积累并影响水生生物。)

7. The European Union has also restricted the use of triclosan in certain products. (欧盟也限制了在某些产品中使用三氯生。)

8. Triclosan is often listed as an ingredient in antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers. (三氯生经常被列为抗菌肥皂和洗手液的成分。)

9. Triclosan can interfere with hormone function and may have negative effects on human health. (三氯生可能干扰激素功能,并对人类健康产生负面影响。)


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