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coca-cola是什么意思 coca-cola的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-28 09:56:13
  • 57

coca-cola是什么意思 coca-cola的读音、翻译、用法



1. I always order a coca-cola with my burger.(我总是要一瓶可口可乐搭配我的汉堡。)

2. He drank a cold coca-cola to quench his thirst.(他喝了一瓶冰凉的可口可乐解渴。)

3. The vending machine only sells coca-cola and sprite.(自动贩卖机只卖可口可乐和雪碧。)

4. She prefers coca-cola over Pepsi.(她更喜欢可口可乐胜过百事可乐。)

5. The waiter asked if we want a refill of our coca-cola.(服务员问我们是否需要再来一杯可口可乐。)

6. The party organizer stocked up on coca-cola for the event.(派对组织者备足了可口可乐以供活动中使用。)

7. He poured a glass of coca-cola and added some ice cubes.(他倒了一杯可口可乐并加了些冰块。)

8. The restaurant offers free refills on coca-cola for dine-in customers.(这个餐厅对堂食客人提供免费的可口可乐加倍。)

9. She mixed coca-cola and rum to make a tail.(她将可口可乐和朗姆酒混合起来做成了鸡尾酒。)


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