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Bathystoma是什么意思 Bathystoma的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-20 15:47:31
  • 51

Bathystoma是什么意思 Bathystoma的读音、翻译、用法



1. Bathystoma macrops是一种生活在深海的大眼鱼。

(Bathystoma macrops is a deep-sea fish with large eyes.)

2. Bathystoma nigerrimum在海洋的深处捕食。

(Bathystoma nigerrimum feeds in the depths of the ocean.)

3. Bathystoma brevirostrum的嘴很短,适合吃小型无脊椎动物。

(The short mouth of Bathystoma brevirostrum is adapted to feeding on small invertebrates.)

4. 这个深海摄影师拍摄了一些神秘的Bathystoma属鱼类。

(This deep-sea photographer captured some mysterious fish of the Bathystoma genus.)

5. Bathystoma atrabile在深海中寻找猎物,它们非常难被捕捉到。

(Bathystoma atrabile searches for prey in the deep ocean, and they are very difficult to capture.)

6. 这个深海生物学家研究了Bathystoma属鱼类的生态习性。

(This deep-sea biologist studied the ecological habits of fish in the Bathystoma genus.)

7. Bathystoma longipinnis的鳍很长,使其能够在深海中游动。

(The long fins of Bathystoma longipinnis enable it to swim in the deep ocean.)

8. Bathystoma nigrum是一种黑色的深海鱼类。

(Bathystoma nigrum is a black deep-sea fish.)

9. 这个水族馆展出了多种深海生物,其中包括一些Bathystoma属鱼类。

(This aquarium displays a variety of deep-sea creatures, including some fish in the Bathystoma genus.)


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