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indosaurus是什么意思 indosaurus的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-15 05:27:35
  • 59

indosaurus是什么意思 indosaurus的读音、翻译、用法

Indosaurus是印度的一个词语,翻译为“印度蜥蜴”,指的是一种生活在白垩纪的大型肉食性恐龙。这种恐龙的化石发现于印度中部的Madhya Pradesh州。


1. Indosaurus是一种大型的肉食性恐龙,可能是白垩纪最危险的猎食者。

Indosaurus is a large carnivorous dinosaur that may have been the most dangerous predator of the Cretaceous period.

2. Indosaurus的化石发现于印度中部,证明印度也是恐龙的故乡。

The fossils of Indosaurus were found in central India, proving that India was also a homeland for dinosaurs.

3. Indosaurus是一种非常神秘的动物,因为关于它的生态习性和行为特征我们还知之甚少。

Indosaurus is a very mysterious animal, as we still know very little about its ecological habits and behavior.

4. Indosaurus可能是白垩纪最大的猎食者之一,它的强壮体型和锋利的牙齿让它有能力猎杀巨型植食恐龙。

Indosaurus may have been one of the largest predators of the Cretaceous period, with its strong body and sharp teeth giving it the ability to hunt giant herbivorous dinosaurs.

5. Indosaurus的化石遗骸证明了印度和非洲之间在白垩纪时期存在着陆地通道,让一些植食恐龙和肉食恐龙可以在两个之间迁徙。

The fossil remains of Indosaurus prove the existence of a land bridge between India and Africa during the Cretaceous period, allowing some herbivorous and carnivorous dinosaurs to migrate between the two continents.

6. Indosaurus的化石遗骸是印度恐龙骨骼中最完整的之一,对于研究白垩纪印度恐龙的演化历史非常重要。

The fossil remains of Indosaurus are among the most complete of any dinosaur skeleton found in India, them very important for studying the evolutionary history of Cretaceous dinosaurs in India.

7. Indosaurus和其他肉食恐龙一样,是一种朝露性动物,喜欢在早晨或傍晚时出现,猎杀其他恐龙或动物。

Indosaurus, like other carnivorous dinosaurs, was a crepuscular animal, preferring to appear in the morning or evening to hunt other dinosaurs or animals.

8. Indosaurus的化石遗骸证明它是一种非常强壮和机敏的恐龙,具有长长的尾巴和灵活的四肢,能够快速追捕猎物。

The fossil remains of Indosaurus show that it was a very strong and agile dinosaur, with a long tail and flexible limbs that allowed it to quickly pursue its prey.

9. Indosaurus的化石遗骸提供了有关这种恐龙行为和生态习性的宝贵线索,为对白垩纪时期印度恐龙的研究提供了重要的支持。

The fossil remains of Indosaurus provide valuable clues about the behavior and ecological habits of this dinosaur, providing important support for the study of Cretaceous dinosaurs in India.


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