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bioengineering是什么意思 bioengineering的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-30 06:50:33
  • 99

bioengineering是什么意思 bioengineering的读音、翻译、用法

"Bioengineering" 是英国的词语,用中文翻译为“生物工程”。它是指将生物学、医学和工程学的原理和方法相结合,应用工程技术手段来研究和解决生物科学、医学和生态等问题的一门学科。


1. The bioengineering research team is developing new techniques for growing artificial organs.(生物工程研究小组正在开发种植人造器官的新技术。)

2. The university offers a course in bioengineering that covers a wide range of topics.(该大学提供了一门涵盖广泛课题的生物工程课程。)

3. Bioengineering has shown great potential for improving medical treatments and therapies.(生物工程对于改善医学治疗和疗法展示出了巨大的潜力。)

4. The bioengineering team is working on developing a new method for purifying water.(生物工程小组正在研究开发一种新的净化水的方法。)

5. Many bioengineering projects involve the use of advanced technologies such as gene editing and nanotechnology.(许多生物工程项目都涉及到使用基因编辑和纳米技术等先进技术。)

6. The bioengineering company is focused on developing new products that can improve people's lives.(生物工程公司专注于开发能够改善人们生活的新产品。)

7. Bioengineering is a multidisciplinary field that requires expertise in biology, engineering, and other related areas.(生物工程是一个需要涵盖生物学、工程学及其他相关领域专业知识的跨学科领域。)

8. The bioengineering laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and technology.(生物工程实验室配备了最先进的设备和技术。)

9. The bioengineering research project aims to develop a new type of renewable energy source.(生物工程研究项目旨在开发一种新型可再生能源。)


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