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spumavirus是什么意思 spumavirus的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-05 12:16:43
  • 43

spumavirus是什么意思 spumavirus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Spumavirus属于反转录病毒家族,具有复杂的复制和转录机制。(中文翻译:'Spumavirus' belongs to the retrovirus family, which has a complex replication and transcription mechanism.)

2. 学者们正在研究蝙蝠身上的spumavirus对人类健康的潜在影响。(中文翻译:Scholars are studying the potential impact of spumavirus found in bats on human health.)

3. 牛spumavirus已经在世界范围内广泛分布,但尚未证实对牛的健康有影响。(中文翻译:Bovine spumavirus has been widely distributed worldwide, but its effect on the health of cattle has not been confirmed.)

4. spumavirus的病原体检测通常需要进行体细胞或胚胎细胞的培养。(中文翻译:Pathogen detection of spumavirus usually requires the cultivation of somatic cells or embryo cells.)

5. 过多的spumavirus暴露可能对人和动物的免疫系统造成负面影响。(中文翻译:Excessive exposure to spumavirus may have a negative impact on the immune systems of humans and animals.)

6. 研究人员使用最新的基因编辑技术创造出了抵御spumavirus的基因变异体。(中文翻译:Researchers have created gene variants that resist spumavirus using the latest gene-editing techniques.)

7. 这种罕见的spumavirus已经在人类中发现,但它只在极少数人中感染。(中文翻译:This rare spumavirus has been found in humans, but it only infects a very small number of people.)

8. Spumavirus感染通常不引起症状,但可能与其他健康状况相关。(中文翻译:Spumavirus infection usually does not cause symptoms, but it may be associated with other health conditions.)

9. 尽管spumavirus的病原性很低,但防止它的传播仍然很重要。(中文翻译:Although spumavirus has low pathogenicity, it is still important to prevent its spread.)


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