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Ryoji Noyori是什么意思 Ryoji Noyori的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-21 05:06:46
  • 992

Ryoji Noyori是什么意思 Ryoji Noyori的读音、翻译、用法

'Ryoji Noyori'是日本的语言,中文翻译为野依良治。他是获得诺贝尔化学奖的日本化学家之一,主要研究领域是不对称合成反应,在该领域取得了重大成就。


1. Noyori教授的研究成果大大促进了不对称合成领域的发展。(中文翻译:Professor Noyori's research achievements have greatly promoted the development of asymmetric synthesis field.)

2. 野依良治教授因其对不对称合成反应研究的贡献而获得2011年的诺贝尔化学奖。(中文翻译:Professor Ryoji Noyori was awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his contributions to the study of asymmetric synthesis.)

3. Noyori教授的论文发表在Nature化学领域的顶级期刊上。(中文翻译:Professor Noyori's paper was published in the top journal of the field of chemistry, Nature.)

4. Noyori教授在1990年被选为日本国家科学院院士。(中文翻译:Professor Noyori was elected as a member of the Japan Academy of Sciences in 1990.)

5. Noyori教授率领的研究小组开发出了一种新型的催化反应方法。(中文翻译:A research team led by Professor Noyori developed a new catalytic reaction method.)

6. 野依良治教授是日本有影响力的化学家之一,其研究成果被广泛应用于药物合成等领域。(中文翻译:Professor Ryoji Noyori is one of the influential chemists in Japan, and his research achievements are widely applied in the field of drug synthesis.)

7. Noyori教授的不对称合成反应方法大大提高了反应的效率和选择性。(中文翻译:Professor Noyori's asymmetric synthesis method greatly improves the efficiency and selectivity of the reaction.)

8. 野依良治教授在他的研究领域中发表了数百篇论文,并被引用了数千次。(中文翻译:Professor Ryoji Noyori has published hundreds of papers in his research field and has been cited thousands of times.)

9. Noyori教授的诺贝尔奖获奖也促进了日本科学技术的发展和国际化进程。(中文翻译:Professor Noyori's Nobel Prize also promotes the development and internationalization of Japanese science and technology.)


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