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Go是什么意思 Go的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-10 07:10:09
  • 96

Go是什么意思 Go的读音、翻译、用法



1. I'm going to the store to buy some groceries.(我要去商店买些杂货。)

2. Please tell your mother to go home early tonight.(请告诉妈今晚早点回家。)

3. We decided to go camping in the mountains this weekend.(我们决定这个周末去山里露营。)

4. I can't wait to go on vacation next month.(我迫不及待地想到下个月去度假。)

5. The train is about to go, let's hurry up!(火车快要开了,我们赶紧!)

6. He didn't want to go to the party, but I convinced him to come.(他不想去聚会,说服他来了。)

7. They played Go in the park for hours.(他们在公园里玩了几个小时的围棋。)

8. My friend is very good at Go, he always wins.(我的朋友玩围棋非常厉害,总是赢。)

9. The traffic was so bad this morning that it took me an hour to go to work.(今天早上交通非常拥挤,花了我一个小时才到工作地点。)


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