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Balaenidae是什么意思 Balaenidae的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-11 03:33:12
  • 39

Balaenidae是什么意思 Balaenidae的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Balaenidae family includes the bowhead whale and the gray whale.(右鲸科家族包括弓头鲸和灰鲸。)

2. The Balaenidae are characterized by their arched lower jaw and baleen plates.(右鲸科以其弓形下颌和须齿板为特征。)

3. The Balaenidae is one of the two families in the suborder mysticeti.(右鲸科是须鲸亚目下的两个科之一。)

4. The Balaenidae whale has a stocky, robust body.(右鲸科鲸鱼有一个肥壮,强健的身体。)

5. The baleen of Balaenidae is made of keratin, a type of protein found in hair and nails.(右鲸科的须齿由角蛋白制成,这是一种在毛发和指甲中发现的蛋白质。)

6. The Balaenidae whales are known for their long migration patterns.(右鲸科鲸鱼以其长途迁徙模式而闻名。)

7. The whaling industry had a major impact on the Balaenidae population.(捕鲸业对右鲸科的种群有着重大影响。)

8. The Balaenidae have a tendency to stay close to the coastlines.(右鲸科有一种贴近海岸线的倾向。)

9. The diet of Balaenidae consists mainly of small crustaceans and plankton.(右鲸科的饮食主要包括小型甲壳动物和浮游生物。)


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