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Mycosphaerella berkeleyi是什么意思 Mycosphaerella berkeleyi的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-15 08:36:30
  • 239

Mycosphaerella berkeleyi是什么意思 Mycosphaerella berkeleyi的读音、翻译、用法

'Mycosphaerella berkeleyi'是拉丁语,是一种真菌的名称。

'Mycosphaerella berkeleyi'又称柏克利圆斑病菌,是一种在柏克利松树上引起圆斑病的真菌。

以下是9个含有'Mycosphaerella berkeleyi'的例句:

1. Mycosphaerella berkeleyi is a fungal pathogen that causes needle blight on Monterey pine trees. (Mycosphaerella berkeleyi是一种真菌病原体,可导致蒙特雷松树上的针叶枯萎病。)

2. The symptoms of Mycosphaerella berkeleyi infection include yellow or brown spots on the needles and premature needle drop. (Mycosphaerella berkeleyi感染的症状包括针叶上的或棕色斑点和过早的针叶脱落。)

3. The severity of Mycosphaerella berkeleyi infection depends on environmental conditions, tree health, and management practices. (Mycosphaerella berkeleyi感染的严重程度取决于环境条件、树木健康状况和管理措施。)

4. Research has shown that Mycosphaerella berkeleyi is more likely to occur on stressed trees that are grown in suboptimal conditions. (研究表明,Mycosphaerella berkeleyi更容易出现在压力大、生长在亚最佳条件下的树木上。)

5. The best way to control Mycosphaerella berkeleyi is through cultural practices, such as pruning, fertilization, and irrigation, that promote tree vigor and health. (控制Mycosphaerella berkeleyi的最佳方法是通过促进树木生长和健康的修剪、施肥和灌溉等文化措施。)

6. In severe cases, Mycosphaerella berkeleyi can cause significant economic losses for the forestry industry. (在严重情况下,Mycosphaerella berkeleyi可能会给林业行业带来重大经济损失。)

7. The genetic diversity of Mycosphaerella berkeleyi populations can be used to study the evolution and spread of this pathogen. (Mycosphaerella berkeleyi种群的遗传多样性可以用来研究该病原体的演化和传播。)

8. The development of Mycosphaerella berkeleyi-resistant tree varieties is a promising approach to reducing the impact of this pathogen on the forestry industry. (开发Mycosphaerella berkeleyi抗性树种是减少该病原体对林业行业影响的一种有前途的方法。)

9. More research is needed to understand the biology, ecology, and epidemiology of Mycosphaerella berkeleyi and to develop effective management strategies for this pathogen. (需要进行更多的研究,以了解Mycosphaerella berkeleyi的生物学、生态学和流行病学,并制定有效的管理策略来控制该病原体。)


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