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Atriplex nummularia是什么意思 Atriplex nummularia的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-11 13:19:07
  • 992

Atriplex nummularia是什么意思 Atriplex nummularia的读音、翻译、用法

'Atriplex nummularia'这个词语源于拉丁语。它是一种盐蓬植物,又称作银叶盐蓬,生长在干旱环境中,具有耐盐、耐旱等特性。常见的翻译有银叶盐蓬、硬叶碱蓬等。在植物学中,它属于苋科。

以下是九个含有'Atriplex nummularia'的例句:

1. Atriplex nummularia是澳大利亚的原生植物,也是干旱区域的重要植物资源。

(Atriplex nummularia is a native plant of Australia and an important plant resource in arid areas.)

2. 这种盐蓬植物的生长需要一定的盐度,Atriplex nummularia能够在高盐度环境下生存。

(The growth of this saltbush plant requires a certain level of salinity, and Atriplex nummularia can survive in a high-salinity environment.)

3. 焦炭火炉的废水中含有大量的盐分,Atriplex nummularia是一种能够减少废水中盐分的植物。

(The waste water from e ovens contains a large amount of salt, and Atriplex nummularia is a plant that can reduce the salt content in waste water.)

4. Atriplex nummularia富含蛋白质和矿物质,是一种营养丰富的食用植物。

(Atriplex nummularia is a nutritious edible plant rich in protein and minerals.)

5. 在阿联酋的沙漠中,Atriplex nummularia被广泛应用于治理沙漠化,改善土壤结构。

(In the deserts of the UAE, Atriplex nummularia is widely used to control desertification and improve soil structure.)

6. 在医学上,Atriplex nummularia被广泛用于治疗口腔溃疡、肝病等疾病。

(In medicine, Atriplex nummularia is widely used to treat diseases such as oral ulcers and liver disease.)

7. 该地区的牧民经常将Atriplex nummularia作为饲料喂给家畜,以提高肉、奶的产量。

(The local herdsmen often feed Atriplex nummularia to livestock as forage to increase meat and milk production.)

8. Atriplex nummularia的茎叶可以提取出丰富的草酸,是一种重要的工业原料。

(The stems and leaves of Atriplex nummularia can extract a rich amount of oxalic acid, which is an important industrial raw material.)

9. 在植物栽培中,Atriplex nummularia常常被用来改善土壤结构,增加土壤肥力。

(In plant cultivation, Atriplex nummularia is often used to improve soil structure and increase soil fertility.)


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