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Cacoecia podana是什么意思 Cacoecia podana的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-05 13:42:07
  • 55

Cacoecia podana是什么意思 Cacoecia podana的读音、翻译、用法

'Cacoecia podana'不是任何国家的语言,它是一种昆虫学中的学名,指的是一种蛾类昆虫。



以下是9个含有'Cacoecia podana'的例句:

1. The larvae of Cacoecia podana feed on apple leaves.(Cacoecia podana的幼虫以苹果叶为食。)

2. Cacoecia podana is a pest that can cause significant damage to apple orchards.(Cacoecia podana是一种可以对苹果果园造成显著的害虫。)

3. The adult Cacoecia podana moth emerges from the pupa in early summer.(成年Cacoecia podana蛾在初夏从蛹中孵化。)

4. The life cycle of Cacoecia podana typically lasts one year.(Cacoecia podana的生命周期通常持续一年。)

5. To control Cacoecia podana infestations, growers may use pesticides or other management strategies.(为了控制Cacoecia podana的大量繁殖,种植者可以使用杀虫剂或其他管理策略。)

6. Researchers are studying the genetics of Cacoecia podana to better understand its behavior and biology.(研究人员正在研究Cacoecia podana的基因,以更好地理解其行为和生物学。)

7. Cacoecia podana can be easily distinguished from other moth species by its distinctive coloration and wing shape.(Cacoecia podana可以通过其独特的着色和翅膀形状轻松区分其他蛾类物种。)

8. The larvae of Cacoecia podana are voracious eaters and can quickly defoliate apple trees.(Cacoecia podana的幼虫食欲旺盛,可以迅速剥夺苹果树的叶子。)

9. The spread of Cacoecia podana to new regions can have significant economic impacts on apple growers.(Cacoecia podana的传播到新地区可能对苹果种植者产生重大经济影响。)


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