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genero Cyclopterus是什么意思 genero Cyclopterus的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-24 06:06:49
  • 223

genero Cyclopterus是什么意思 genero Cyclopterus的读音、翻译、用法

'genero Cyclopterus'是拉丁语,意为“环眼鱼属”。它是指一类环眼鱼科的鱼类,它们的特点是有两个大而圆的眼睛和一个椭圆形的身体。这个词语通常用于学术研究和科学讨论中。

以下是9个含有'genero Cyclopterus'的例句:

1. Genero Cyclopterus包括很多种类的鱼。

Translation: The genus Cyclopterus includes many species of fish.

2. Genero Cyclopterus的眼睛很大,可以看到远处的物体。

Translation: The eyes of Cyclopterus genus are large and can see objects far away.

3. Genero Cyclopterus的身体形状特别,很容易被人们认出来。

Translation: The unique body shape of the Cyclopterus genus makes it recognizable.

4. Genero Cyclopterus被广泛地研究,以了解它们的生态和行为。

Translation: Cyclopterus genus is extensively studied to understand their ecology and behavior.

5. Genero Cyclopterus的鱼肉是美味可口的,因此很受人们的欢迎。

Translation: The meat of Cyclopterus genus is delicious and therefore popular.

6. Genero Cyclopterus在北极和北大西洋的深海中常常被发现。

Translation: Cyclopterus genus is often found in the deep seas of the Arctic and North Atlantic.

7. Genero Cyclopterus的鱼鳞具有独特的形状和颜色,因此有很高的商业价值。

Translation: The scales of Cyclopterus genus have unique shapes and colors, and therefore high commercial value.

8. Genero Cyclopterus的生命力很强,可适应各种水温和盐度。

Translation: Cyclopterus genus has strong vitality and can adapt to various water temperatures and salinities.

9. Genero Cyclopterus的研究对深海海洋生物的保护有着重要的意义。

Translation: Studying the Cyclopterus genus is of great significance for the conservation of deep-sea marine life.


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