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Relish是什么意思 Relish的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-20 16:07:49
  • 38

Relish是什么意思 Relish的读音、翻译、用法

'Relish'这个词语来源于古法语中的“reles”, 意为“调味品”。

在英语中,'relish'一词有两个主要的翻译:1. 调味品,2. 欣赏;享受。通常指的是食物中加入的配料,以增强食物的味道,同时也可以指欣赏和享受生活中的一些细节。


1. I don't like the taste of the sandwich without any relish.(我不喜欢没有任何调味品的三明治的味道。)

2. He has an insatiable relish for adventure.(他有着贪婪的冒险精神。)

3. The relish on the hot dog made it taste so much better.(热狗的调味品让它感觉更美味。)

4. She relished the opportunity to finally visit New York City.(她很享受终于去纽约城旅游的机会。)

5. He ate the burger with relish, savoring every bite.(他吃汉堡包时很享受,慢慢品尝每一口。)

6. The chef added relish to the soup to improve the flavor.(厨师加入调味品来提高汤的味道。)

7. She relished the thought of a long, relaxing weekend.(她很享受一个漫长、放松的周末的想法。)

8. I always add a little relish to my salad dressing.(我总是在沙拉酱中加入一点点调味品。)

9. He relished the opportunity to show off his musical talent to his friends.(他很享受向朋友展示自己的音乐才华的机会。)


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