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Phylloscopus是什么意思 Phylloscopus的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-23 02:29:47
  • 55

Phylloscopus是什么意思 Phylloscopus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Phylloscopus排在鸟类分类学中的喜树莺科鸟类中。

(Phylloscopus belongs to the family of leaf warblers in avian taxonomy.)

2. 许多鸟类学家都对Phylloscopus属鸟类的分类存在争议。

(There is controversy among many ornithologists about the classification of birds in the genus Phylloscopus.)

3. 我们的导游指着窗外说:“看,那只Phylloscopus在枝头跳跃呢!”

(Our guide pointed out the window and said, "Look, that Phylloscopus is hopping on the branch!")

4. 在这个地区,Phylloscopus常常被用来寻找蜜蜂和昆虫。

(In this region, Phylloscopus is often used to search for bees and insects.)

5. 这只Phylloscopus向我们歌唱,似乎在争夺领地。

(This Phylloscopus is singing to us, as if competing for territory.)

6. Phylloscopus属鸟类有着非常精细的迁徙路线。

(Birds in the genus Phylloscopus have very precise migration routes.)

7. 这只Phylloscopus在寻找食物的时候会悬挂在枝头上。

(This Phylloscopus hangs on branches when searching for food.)

8. Phylloscopus的漂亮歌声是它们的招牌。

(The beautiful song of Phylloscopus is their signature.)

9. 这个周末我打算去公园里寻找Phylloscopus。

(I plan to go to the park this weekend to search for Phylloscopus.)


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