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Rotary international是什么意思 Rotary international的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-11 10:06:57
  • 413

Rotary international是什么意思 Rotary international的读音、翻译、用法

'Rotary international'这个词语来源于英语。它是一个国际性非营利组织,成立于1905年,目的是服务社区、推行公益事业和促进国际友谊。该组织在全球拥有约1.2万个俱乐部,会员数量超过180万。常见的翻译有“扶轮国际”、“国际扶轮”等。


1. Rotary International is the largest service organization in the world.(国际扶轮是全球最大的服务性组织。)

2. The Rotary Club of London was the first Rotary club in Europe.(伦敦扶轮社是欧洲第一个扶轮社。)

3. Rotary International has been committed to eradicating polio for more than 30 years.(国际扶轮致力于消除小儿麻痹症已经超过30年。)

4. The Rotary Foundation provides grants to support humanitarian projects worldwide.(扶轮基金会提供资金支持全球的人道主义项目。)

5. Rotary International has established sister clubs in many countries to promote international understanding.(国际扶轮已经在许多国家建立了姊妹俱乐部,以促进国际理解。)

6. The Rotary District Conference was held in Shanghai last month.(扶轮区会议上个月在上海举行。)

7. The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards program aims to develop leadership skills in young people.(扶轮青年领袖奖旨在培养年轻人的领导才能。)

8. The Rotary Club of New York City organizes a charity ball every year to raise funds for local schools.(纽约市扶轮社每年都会组织一场慈善舞会,为当地的学校筹集资金。)

9. Rotary International's Four-Way Test is a guide for ethical decision-.(国际扶轮的四项准则是进行道德决策的指南。)


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