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Carissa macrocarpa是什么意思 Carissa macrocarpa的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-21 03:53:03
  • 767

Carissa macrocarpa是什么意思 Carissa macrocarpa的读音、翻译、用法

'Carissa macrocarpa'是拉丁语,这个词语一般翻译成中文为“大果卡里萨”或“大果丛林牡丹”。它是一个常绿灌木,高可达2-5米,原产于南非,现在已广泛分布在亚洲、美洲和大洋洲的热带地区。

含有'Carissa macrocarpa'的例句:

1. Carissa macrocarpa是一种常绿植物,产生漂亮的花朵和大果实。

Carissa macrocarpa is an evergreen plant that produces beautiful flowers and large fruits.

2. Carissa macrocarpa又称大果丛林牡丹,被广泛种植作为观赏和食用植物。

Carissa macrocarpa, also known as the large-fruited jungle beauty, is widely planted as an ornamental and edible plant.

3. 在南非,Carissa macrocarpa被用来制作果汁、果酱和沙拉。

In South Africa, Carissa macrocarpa is used to make juice, jam, and salads.

4. 由于其美丽的花朵和丰富的果实,Carissa macrocarpa被认为是一种理想的花园植物。

Due to its beautiful flowers and abundant fruits, Carissa macrocarpa is considered an ideal garden plant.

5. Carissa macrocarpa树皮和根部有药用价值,可以用来治疗许多疾病。

The bark and roots of Carissa macrocarpa have medicinal value and can be used to treat many diseases.

6. 在欧洲和美洲,Carissa macrocarpa被引入作为观赏植物,也被用于制作果汁和果酱。

In Europe and America, Carissa macrocarpa was introduced as an ornamental plant and also used to make juice and jam.

7. 非洲部分地区的人们将Carissa macrocarpa果实用于餐饮和药用。

People in some parts of Africa use the fruits of Carissa macrocarpa for food and medicinal purposes.

8. Carissa macrocarpa的花朵通常成对出现,颜色为白色或粉红色。

The flowers of Carissa macrocarpa usually appear in pairs and are white or pink in color.

9. Carissa macrocarpa是一种热带植物,需要充足的阳光和温暖的气候才能生长良好。

Carissa macrocarpa is a tropical plant that requires ample sunlight and warm climate to grow properly.


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