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Psylliodes是什么意思 Psylliodes的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-08 07:53:01
  • 3

Psylliodes是什么意思 Psylliodes的读音、翻译、用法



以下是9个含有' Psylliodes '的例句:

1. Psylliodes是一类植食性昆虫,它们在植物上寻找食物。

(Psylliodes are a type of herbivorous insects that search for food on plants.)

2. Psylliodes属种类繁多,有些品种会严重影响农作物的收成。

(There are many species in the Psylliodes genus, some of which can have a serious impact on crop yields.)

3. 这个课题的研究对象是Psylliodes属昆虫。

(The research project focuses on insects in the Psylliodes genus.)

4. Psylliodes spp.在植物茎蒂上生长繁殖,有时也会在土壤中越冬。

(Psylliodes spp. grow and reproduce on plant stems and sometimes overwinter in soil.)

5. Psylliodes genus属于鳞翅目昆虫科中的一类昆虫。

(The Psylliodes genus is a type of insect in the Coleoptera family.)

6. 这个地区的Psylliodes spp.对农作物产生了巨大的。

(Psylliodes spp. in this region have caused significant damage to crops.)

7. Psylliodes属昆虫的生命周期包括、幼虫、蛹和成虫四个阶段。

(The lifecycle of insects in the Psylliodes genus includes four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.)

8. Psylliodes spp.能够适应不同的环境和气候条件,从而在各种地方都得到生长和繁殖。

(Psylliodes spp. are able to adapt to different environmental and climatic conditions, allowing them to grow and reproduce in various locations.)

9. Psylliodes属昆虫在农业中被视为一种重要的害虫。

(Insects in the Psylliodes genus are considered a significant pest in agriculture.)


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