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Tao Yuanming是什么意思 Tao Yuanming的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-22 08:54:33
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Tao Yuanming是什么意思 Tao Yuanming的读音、翻译、用法

'Tao Yuanming'是中国的词语,翻译成英文是'Tao Yuanming'。

Tao Yuanming(陶渊明)是中国东晋时期(公元4世纪末-5世纪初)的一位著名文学家,他以清新淡泊、才情横溢的诗文成为了中国文学史上的经典,被誉为“田园诗人”。

以下是9个含有'Tao Yuanming'的例句:

1. 陶渊明是中国田园诗派的代表人物之一,他的诗歌几乎贯穿了他的一生。

Tao Yuanming is one of the representatives of the Chinese pastoral poetry school, and his poems almost run through his life.

2. 陶渊明的诗歌充满了对自然的热爱和对世俗的厌弃。

Tao Yuanming's poems are full of love for nature and disgust with the secular world.

3. 陶渊明的诗句“桃花源里人家,云深不知处”广为流传,成为了中国文学史上的经典之作。

Tao Yuanming's poem "In the Peach Blossom Spring there is a household, deep in the clouds, not a clue where it is" is widely spread and has become a classic in Chinese literary history.

4. 陶渊明曾说过:“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。”这是他对人生的一种积极向上的态度。

Tao Yuanming once said, "There will be times when the strong winds break the waves, setting sail directly into the vast ocean." This is his positive attitude towards life.

5. 陶渊明的作品充满了乡土气息,他对自然和家乡的深情表达也让人叹为观止。

Tao Yuanming's works are full of local flavor, and his deep expression of love for nature and hometown is also breathtaking.

6. 陶渊明的作品《桃花源记》讲述了一个世外桃源般的故事,深深地打动了读者的心。

Tao Yuanming's work "The Legend of the Peach Blossom Spring" tells a story like a paradise on earth, deeply touching the hearts of readers.

7. 陶渊明的诗歌往往反映了他对现实的不满,但同时也表达了他对理想生活的向往。

Tao Yuanming's poems often reflect his dissatisfaction with reality, but at the same time express his yearning for an ideal life.

8. 陶渊明的作品对后世的文学创作也产生了深远的影响,他的精神风范更是受到了人们的崇敬。

Tao Yuanming's works have had a profound influence on the literary creation of future generations, and his spiritual style is even more respected by people.

9. 陶渊明是中国文化史上一位杰出的人物,他的思想和作品影响了历史上的文学、哲学和艺术等领域,至今仍被广泛传颂。

Tao Yuanming is an outstanding figure in Chinese cultural history. His thoughts and works have influenced the fields of literature, philosophy, and art in history, and are still widely praised today.


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