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fan fiction是什么意思 fan fiction的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-20 02:26:21
  • 181

fan fiction是什么意思 fan fiction的读音、翻译、用法

'fan fiction'是英语词汇,翻译为“同人小说”,是指读者或观众凭借对作品世界观的理解和爱好,创作出的基于原作构建的虚构作品。


1. I love reading fan fiction about my favorite TV show.(我喜欢阅读关于我最喜爱的电视剧的同人小说。)

2. She wrote an amazing fan fiction about the characters from the book.(她写了一篇关于书中角色的精彩同人小说。)

3. I've never written fan fiction before, but I think I might give it a try.(我从未写过同人小说,想试试。)

4. He published his fan fiction on a popular fan site.(他在一个受欢迎的同人网站上发布了他的小说。)

5. The fan fiction community is very supportive and welcoming.(同人小说社区非常支持和欢迎新人。)

6. Some fan fiction writers have even been hired to write for the original show.(一些同人小说作家甚至被聘用为原创节目编剧。)

7. She spent hours browsing fan fiction sites looking for new stories to read.(她花了几个小时浏览同人小说网站,寻找新的故事阅读。)

8. Fans of the book series often write fan fiction to continue the story after the series ends.(书迷们经常写同人小说来延续系列故事的结局。)

9. The fan fiction was so well-written, it felt like it could have been part of the original story.(同人小说写得非常出色,感觉像是原始故事的一部分。)


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