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Pterospondylus是什么意思 Pterospondylus的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-24 02:53:02
  • 826

Pterospondylus是什么意思 Pterospondylus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Pterospondylus是一种非常古老的鱼龙属。

(Pterospondylus is a very ancient genus of ichthyosaurs.)

2. Pterospondylus的化石发现于德国的提林根地区。

(Fossils of Pterospondylus have been found in the Tübingen area of Germany.)

3. Pterospondylus的身体形状非常像现代的海豚。

(The body shape of Pterospondylus was very similar to that of modern dolphins.)

4. Pterospondylus能够在海洋中迅速游动,捕食小型鱼类和无脊椎动物。

(Pterospondylus could swim rapidly in the ocean and prey on small fish and invertebrates.)

5. Pterospondylus的化石证明它们曾广泛分布于全球各地的海洋中。

(Fossils of Pterospondylus prove that they were widely distributed in the oceans around the world.)

6. Pterospondylus的头部非常长,有利于它们捕食移动速度较快的猎物。

(The long head of Pterospondylus was advantageous for hunting fast-moving prey.)

7. Pterospondylus在早白垩纪时期是非常常见的一种生物。

(Pterospondylus was a very common creature during the early Cretaceous period.)

8. 对Pterospondylus的研究有助于我们更好地了解古代海洋生态环境。

(Studying Pterospondylus can help us better understand the ancient marine ecosystem.)

9. Pterospondylus也是古生物学领域中的重要研究对象之一。

(Pterospondylus is also an important subject of study in the field of paleontology.)


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