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gerifalte是什么意思 gerifalte的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-02 06:01:32
  • 610

gerifalte是什么意思 gerifalte的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'Gerifalte'是中古英语中的一个词汇,意为“一种大型猎鹰”。

2. 该词语在现代英语中已经不常用,但在猎鹰学和鸟类学的领域中仍然有重要的地位,可以用来指代一类北极地区的猎鹰。

3. 以下是9个含有'gerifalte'的例句:

- To most medieval falconers, the gerifalte was the ultimate prize in the art of hawk-handling.(对于绝大部分中世纪猎鹰师而言,gerifalte是鹰狩艺术中的终极目标。)

- The gerifalte is known for its exceptional hunting skills, especially in capturing larger prey.(gerifalte以其卓越的捕猎技巧而著名,尤其是在捕捉较大的猎物时。)

- In Norse mythology, the gerifalte was considered a bird of great power and wisdom, often associated with the god Odin.(在北欧神话中,gerifalte被认为是一种具有巨大力量和智慧的鸟类,常与奥丁神联系在一起。)

- The gerifalte's distinctive plumage, with its black and white markings, makes it easily recognizable in the wild.(gerifalte的独特羽毛,带有黑白相间的斑点,使其在野外容易被识别。)

- Today, the gerifalte is a protected species in many countries, due to habitat loss and hunting pressures.(如今,由于栖息地损失和狩猎压力,gerifalte在许多国家都受到保护。)

- In medieval times, the gerifalte was often presented as a gift between rulers as a symbol of status and power.(在中世纪,gerifalte经常被作为礼物在统治者之间赠送,象征着地位和权力。)

- The gerifalte is a relatively slow breeder, with a low reproductive rate compared to other raptors.(与其他猛禽相比,gerifalte繁殖速度相对较慢,率较低。)

- The songs of the gerifalte are often used in traditional Inuit music, as a way of celebrating the bird's hunting prowess.(gerifalte的歌声常常被用于传统的因纽特音乐中,作为庆祝这种鸟类狩猎能力的方式。)

- The gerifalte has a unique hunting style, using a combination of speed, agility, and precision to capture its prey.(gerifalte有独特的捕猎方式,利用速度、灵活性和精准性的结合来捕捉猎物。)


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