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Cymatiidae是什么意思 Cymatiidae的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-05 05:32:28
  • 313

Cymatiidae是什么意思 Cymatiidae的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Cymatiidae family includes several species of marine snails with beautiful spiraling shells.(波纹螺科家族包括几种拥有美丽旋转壳的海洋蜗牛。)

2. Members of the Cymatiidae family are known for their predatory feeding habits, using their sharp radula to se prey off rocks.(波纹螺科家族成员以捕食习性著称,使用它们锋利的舌齿从岩石上刮下猎物。)

3. The Cymatium species is the most recognized member of the Cymatiidae family due to its distinctive brown and white striped shell.(由于其独特的棕白色条纹贝壳,波纹螺科家族中最出名的是波纹介属。)

4. Some species in the Cymatiidae family are harvested commercially for use in jewelry and other decorative items.(波纹螺科家族中的一些物种被商业上采用用于首饰制作和其他装饰品。)

5. The Cymatiidae family is part of the larger Gastropod class, which includes a wide range of snails and slugs.(波纹螺科家族是更大的腹足纲的一部分,其中包括各种各样的蜗牛和蛞蝓。)

6. The common whelk is a member of the Cymatiidae family found along the northeast coast of North America.(普通海螺是分布在北美东北部的波纹螺科家族的一种。)

7. The shells of many species in the Cymatiidae family have intricate patterns that make them highly sought after by collectors.(波纹螺科家族许多物种的贝壳有复杂的花纹,使它们成为收藏家追捧的物品。)

8. Several species in the Cymatiidae family create distinct burrows in the seafloor where they hide from potential predators.(波纹螺科家族中的几种物种在海底创造独特的洞穴,躲避潜在的捕食者。)

9. The Cymatiidae family is closely related to other predatory snail families, such as the Muricidae and Buccinidae.(波纹螺科家族与其他捕食性蜗牛家族密切相关,如海螺科和角螺科。)


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