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Ophthalmosaurus是什么意思 Ophthalmosaurus的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-09 08:17:08
  • 967

Ophthalmosaurus是什么意思 Ophthalmosaurus的读音、翻译、用法



1. The fossils of Ophthalmosaurus were first discovered in England in the 19th century.('Ophthalmosaurus'的化石最初于19世纪在英国被发现。)

2. Ophthalmosaurs were excellent swimmers and could move quickly through the water.(鱼龙游泳技巧高超,可以迅速在水中移动。)

3. The teeth of Ophthalmosaurus were pointed and sharp, perfect for catching fish.(鱼龙的牙齿尖锐锋利,非常适合抓住鱼类。)

4. Ophthalmosaurus was one of the most common marine reptiles of the Jurassic period.(鱼龙是侏罗纪时期最常见的海洋爬行动物之一。)

5. The fossils of Ophthalmosaurus have been found all over the world, including in North America and Europe.('Ophthalmosaurus'的化石在全球范围内都有发现,包括北美和欧洲。)

6. Scientists believe that Ophthalmosaurus could dive to great depths in the ocean.(科学家认为鱼龙可以潜入深海。)

7. The long tail of Ophthalmosaurus was used for propulsion through the water.(鱼龙的长尾巴用于在水中前进。)

8. Ophthalmosaurus lived during the same time period as the famous dinosaur, Stegosaurus.(鱼龙与著名的恐龙长尾草食龙生活在同一时期。)

9. The discovery of Ophthalmosaurus fossils has helped scientists learn more about the prehistoric oceans.('Ophthalmosaurus'化石的发现帮助科学家更多地了解史前海洋。)


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